It is this kind of Divine calling that Davis Bunn writes
about in his new “devotional fiction” novel The
A brooding businessman from Cleveland. A snobby choir leader
from Baltimore. A beautiful young oriental woman torn between two major life
decisions, and an Arab learning the Christian faith. Each one hears the same
message from God. Each must face a unique task. Each must take a monumental
step toward forgiveness, reconciliation, compassion … spiritual obedience.
Feeling God call them to New York, these spiritual misfits band
together under the leadership of a well-known Christian author to battle a rising
cultural enemy.
My thoughts:
I love the fact that each of the protagonists is introduced
as someone who we normally would not look to for spiritual guidance. Each
character has baggage, yet God does not wait till their baggage is gone to call
them. He calls them with dirty lives, and offers them progressive steps of obedience
to follow. Yet with each step, hearts are rearranged, maturity deepens, and the
characters begin to take bigger and bolder steps of faith.
Davis shows us through these characters that we don’t have
to be spiritual giants for Christ to call us. We simply need to be open to
hearing His voice. He’ll meet us in that spot where calling and action collide.
“The fruits of the Spirit require us to grow beyond our
comfort zone. Like Isaiah, we are the most unworthy of believers. And yet God
has called us. Each and every one of the family of Jesus. We are all invited to move beyond the failures
and limitations that confine us.” ~ The Turning
Davis Bunn is as encouraging and Christ-focused as ever! I'm giving The Turning 4.2 stars.
I received a complimentary copy of The Turning from River North Fiction in return for my honest review.
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